Thank you for your interest in The 40 | 40.
The program will return in 2025. Please scroll down to check out details about the program.
Also, I invite you to share your email so that we can be in communication and you can receive updates about when the program will launch later this year.
Hopefully you can join me!
(The program is limited to 20 participants to curate a personal and community-centered experience.)
How you move
is how you move through life.
THE 40 | 40
A 40-Day Online Movement Program that can change your life
Guided by Elia
If you do something for 40 days, you change.
~ The Tao

I am here for you.
Honoring your individual story, I am here to meet you where you're at and guide you through a 6-week experience. Forty days later you will not be in the same place where you began.
Drawing upon the healing arts, the movement arts, and the performing arts, The 40 | 40 offers a unique and personal approach to online offerings.
- Want to feel at home in your own skin and at ease around others?
- Want to balance your emotions and reconnect to joy?
- Afraid of dance but wished you weren't?
- Want to reduce pain?
- Want to act from freedom, and not towards it?
We each seek different goals, but the parents of change are safety and support. And this program offers both to help you transform the aspirational you into the actual you.
Join me in The 40 | 40 and get the inspiration, attention, and structure we all need.
This program is open to 20 people.
What are the benefits?
The opportunity to feel inspired, empowered, in less pain, and with more energy. After 40 days, you will walk away with:
- a daily movement practice you can use in the future
- a library of movement videos
- recordings of two private sessions with me
- a community that you belong to
Who is this program for?
This program is for 20 people looking for a lifestyle shift that will help you achieve your goals.
You will receive individual attention, community support, and consistent accountability that will challenge you to turn your potential into reality.
Why 40 days?
How you move is how you live. So when you change the way you move, you change the way you live.
The ancient texts of The Tao say that if you do something consistently for 40 days, your nervous system re-patterns, your cells change, and you are literally in a new body.
The 40 | 40
Guided by Elia Mrak
6 Weeks (42 Days)
*Limited to 20 people so that the experience can be tailored to each person while inviting group engagement
Grow capacity. Build regulation. Express emotion.
- At the beginning of each week, five recorded movement videos with a common theme are released. (Each video is about 20 minutes long.)
- At the end of each week, there is a live 2-hour Saturday integration class with live music that blends the movement practices from the week, a Q&A session, and group conversation. (These are recorded and available for the duration of the program).
- There are 2 60-min private coaching sessions for each participant. We will use the sessions to adapt the program to your unique goals, and together we will build a practice that you can take with you when the program finishes. (Private sessions are recorded if you want, and are yours to keep.)
- Throughout the program, the Community Circle is a moderated forum where I respond to questions, offer advice, and invite participants to share their experiences with each other.
The 40 | 40 origin story
In 2013, I was working as a movement coach at a boutique gym and wanted to offer my clients a more all-encompassing program. I asked my friend how long he thought it would take people to create a new normal, and he said 6 weeks - about 40 days.
The ancient text of the Tao says the same. (I have wise friends!)
That day, I sketched out a 40-day program integrating group classes, private coaching sessions, Q&A discussions, and parties - because it's important to celebrate and have fun.
I led the program, and it worked. Between 2016 - 2019 I guided many versions of this program in different contexts: with kids, with families, with seniors, with differently-abled people, and online in August 2020. And they worked.
Today's version of The 40 | 40 online program features 26 movement videos, 2 private coaching sessions, 7 live classes + Q&A, and a moderated community discussion circle. (And of course, celebration and fun.)
The 40 | 40 works because it shows up for people.
I am dedicated to the belief that we can make profound changes when we feel like we belong to something that cares about us.

Weekly Sessions

Week 1: Mobility
The Mobility Series offers playful practices to make our joints more juicy, our soft tissue more resilient, and our movement more graceful.
With original music from cellist Juan Ferreras.

Week 2: Qigong
The Qigong (Chi-Kung) Series teaches several ancient movement meditations that bring our breath and movement together.
With original music by composer Vasilis Zlatanos.

Week 3: Self-Care
The Self-care Series focuses on slowing down, listening, and using touch to support our healing.
With original music by multi-instrumentalist Guilhem Verger.

Week 4: Dance
If your healing journey doesn't include dance, it is incomplete.
The Dance Series will teach you how to hear the beat, find the groove, and transform simple rhythmic patterns into expression, creativity and joy.
With original music by Producer and DJ, Coflo.

Week 5: Integration
The Integration Series is a rich movement journey through all the Integration Videos from the previous 4 weeks of the program.
With soundtracks from all four artists, including music in the Bonus videos by Julian Ribero.

Week 6: Design Your Practice
This is the week where you (with my guidance) select 5 videos from the previous 5 weeks, and put them together to create a practice you can take with you when the program ends.
Live Sessions
At the end of each week, there is a live 2-hour Saturday integration class - with live music - that blends the practices from the week, a Q&A session, and group conversation.
These are recorded and available for the duration of the program.
Private Coaching
I use the private coaching sessions to adapt the program to your unique goals and needs, and together we build a practice that you can take with you when the program finishes.
There are two 60-min private coaching sessions for each participant, one in the first half of the program, and one in the second half.
Both private coaching session recordings are yours to keep.
Community Circle
Throughout the program, the Community Circle is a moderated forum where I respond to questions, offer advice, and invite participants to share their experiences with each other.
You are included in the Community Circle for future seasons of The 40 | 40.
Movement Videos
At the beginning of each week, five pre-recorded videos are released. Each video is about 20 minutes long. All the videos include original music composed by professional musicians.
All pre-recorded videos are yours to keep after the program.
The 40 | 40 program sits at the intersection of my fullest self-expression and my highest act of service.
I work from wisdom, towards truth, through creativity.
And I use the power of the healing arts, the movement arts, and the performing arts - dance, meditation, qigong (chi kung), and somatics - to transform the creative act into community.
I am a trauma-informed educator and approach my work through a nervous-system and systems-centered lens. This means that I provide safety and containment by attuning to each unique individual while holding space for the larger group.
I work with adults, kids, elders, professional dancers, very non-professional dancers, in chairs, out of chairs, with words, without words, in different cultures, and with all different kinds of abilities.
I teach clients, facilitate workshops, and lead classes. I design community healthcare programs, facilitate online nervous-system education, and advise other somatic professionals. I also perform, choreograph, and produce art.
I have dedicated my life to this work. It is my gift, and I am honored to share it with you.
Immune System Boost
This is one of the videos from The 40 | 40. It is a Bonus Video, and it is a little shorter than videos from the other series, which average about 20 minutes each.
Give it a click. Have fun. Your immune system will thank you.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will The 40 | 40 help me meet my goals?
How will the program accommodate my abilities?
What happens in a Private Coaching session?
What happens during a Live Class?
What do I keep after the program is over?
You mention dance. Can you talk more about that?
What is Qigong (Chi-Kung)?
Why are the recorded videos 20 minutes long?
How will the Community Circle support me?
What if I can't make the Live Classes on Saturdays?